media monarchy episode183
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- Publication date
- 2010-08-20
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- Public Domain
- Topics
- media monarchy, alternative news, politics, conspiracy, podcast, portland radio authority, revere radio, phantom radio, free radio olympia, cascadia public radio, zero point radio, berkeley liberation radio, one sky radio, radio23, jamesevanpilato,
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- 1.4G

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and a huge thanks to cascadia public radio, free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, phantom radio & one sky radio for rebroadcasting the show...
plus, you can always get podcasts of previous episodes through itunes, & + hi-quality mp3s suitable for rebroadcast provided by ... thank you
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media monarchy: episode183 - august 20, 2010 | | | | | | | | | | |
wavves 'take on the world' (audio)
geopolitiks/warwhores: powderkegs looking for sparks
drills, bolton, harvard - putting pieces together
video: bolton says that israel has days to strike iran (audio w/ two lone swordsmen)
USrael increase military cooperation, hold joint exercises
israeli soldier defends her 'sexy' fbook prisoner pics
egypt seizes explosives on ship coming from israel
real war against 'terrorists' not in afghanistan - but in pakistan, yemen & somalia
afghanistan says finds 1.8 billion barrel oilfield
61 truck-loads w/ 300 tons of explosives go missing in india
video: missing trucks found; no trace of explosives audio w/ kreidler)
video: fmr pakistani intel chief fears ww3 is imminent
related updates:
obama's war: same number of US troops die in afghanistan as during bush years
US to double merc forces in iraq after 2011 military pullout
army awol's & desertions double; sex crimes triple
pentagon avoids giving some vets benefits by changing name of disorders
poll: 'no' to US wars at all time high
blackwater prince takes 'break from america' in new home: abu dhabi, uae
wyclef jean in hiding after death threats in haiti
multinational exercise focuses on panama canal defense
castro fascinated by book on bilderberg club
oh, but apparently - much like the gulf oil spill is over -
the war in iraq is done ... nothing to see here, move along
obama defends right to build ground zero mosque
video: obama backs mosque near ground zero (audio w/ antipop consortium)
related 9/11 updates:
'hallowed ground': off-track-betting & gentlemen's club also near ground zero mosque
secret terror tapes of 9/11 plotter ramzi binalshibh found under cia desk
when cia destroyed interrogation tapes, they missed one set
cia tapes of 9/11 detainee's interrogation don't show torture, official says
obama comes out in favor of 9/11 health bill; will sign 'zadroga bill' into law
obamessiah updates:
bombshell: barack obama conclusively outed as cia creation
the stunning decline of barack obama: 10 key reasons why presidency is in meltdown
obama goes for a swim in the gulf – or does he?
video: tarpley on neocon petraeus, pullout & pres 2012 (audio w/ scorn)
8/19 newspurge: take on the world
US survey shows those keenest to be green are most ignorant
gates foundation buys shares in goldman sachs & monsanto
ft detrick to open drug & vaccine testing facility
fda approves 5-day-after birth control pill
fluoride mouthrinse program to re-start in schools this year
nearly 1m children in US potentially misdiagnosed with adhd
sen graham receives powder-filled letter
weather wars & the devil's haarp
georgia scientists say at least 70% of spilled oil is still unaccounted for
video: spike lee warns bp's greed could be 'downfall' of US
the hidden tragedy of cia experiments on children
video: fmr fbi agent says oswald didn't kill jfk (audio w/ sad rockets)
holy hexes:
video: remains of john the baptist found in bulgaria? (audio)
neko case 'john saw that number' (audio)
2010 bohemian grove membership list & maps
ray bradbury hates big government: 'our country is in need of a revolution'
video: bradbury inspires 'f*ck me, ray bradbury'?
hong kong film hopes to break new ground with 3d porn
kanye west's "power": the occult meaning of its symbols
lady gaga is poisoning children's minds
remembering 'cathy': death of an anxious cartoon icon
in US, confidence in newspapers, tv news remains a rarity
voyeurism & television: feeding our ravenous appetite for murder & destruction
8 shot, 4 killed outside buffalo restaurant - charges dropped in ny slayings; no new arrests
8 dead, 12 hurt at off-road race in california desert
23 people slain along US-mexico border in 24 hours
orangeburg, sc mother charged with killing 2 toddler sons
remember the couple with the 'hitlist' in alaska? drug-addled husband had help from undercover cop
oregon oddities:
oregon oceanography: dead in the water
portland fur protesters acquitted of violating space near ungar furs
wv worry:
beyond fossil fuels - a battle in west virginia mining country
coal vs. wind on a west virginia mountain
greenbrier resort hopes to preserve its past
police state updates: fire, fusion, foia
20% of our genes are already patented by private companies
iris scanners create the most secure city in the world. welcome, big brother
the return of civil disobedience
obama signs border bill to increase surveillance
tea party groups converge on mexican border to back immigration law
rasmussen: nearly half say US will be nuked
fire-breathing bartenders arrested, face 45 years
homeland security, home depot, fusion centers & a local hardware store
foia: army spy planes not used to track times square time bomber
econocrash: hindenburg omen & the ecstasy of empire
dreaded 'hindenburg omen' will play out within weeks
related econocrash updates:
the purpose behind engineered economic collapse
video: cnn mentions paul craig roberts' article:
the ecstasy of empire - 'without a revolution, americans are history' (audio w/ caribou)
china & japan hold $1.6t in US debt
china passes japan as 2nd-largest economy
video: china swallows obama stimulus meant for US economy
soros bailing out of US stock market
stimulus funds go to states that need them least
US says bankruptcies reach nearly 5yr high
patent office has backlog of 700,000 applications & a 3yr wait
budgets tight, school supply lists go beyond glue sticks
wal-mart quietly raises prices
homeless man lived in new jersey library for nearly 2 weeks
video: secret of oz: solutions for a broken economy (audio w/ thievery corporation)
(all bed music by deceptikon & mercury program unless otherwise noted)
creepy customers coming to in the past week:
Halliburton Company ( Houston, TX (q:guy kills 8 coworkers)
U.s. Department Of Transportation ( WashDC (q:DHS NEP 2010)
Headquarters, Usaisc ( Huntsville,AL (q:Fort hood operation orders)
Alaska State Government ( Juneau,AK (nwnw - may28)
- Addeddate
- 2010-08-21 01:41:39
- Color
- color
- Director
- Identifier
- MediaMonarchyEpisode183
- Run time
- 2:01:22
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 2010
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